In my initial draft for this post I wrote “I made blog writing too big for myself, so to help I decided to just write about my experience with Tunic.”, well that statement is so true! At the time of that first draft I had played 3.6 hours of Tunic. As I write this, that has increased to 19 hours. Tunic ticks all my videogame preference boxes, and so I have been really enjoying my time with it.
I love the feeling of understanding something. The moment something “clicks”. The best game for this being Outer Wilds and I love that game. So much so that I’m still attracted to videos about it, or even let’s plays.
Another feeling I love is the “what’s this?!” feeling. Yes the song from Tim Burton’s The Nightmare before Christmas. I experience this a lot in a lot of games, but it defined my play through of Tears of the Kingdom so far. Even more so than Breath of the Wild.
So I got Tunic. Understanding it had a Zelda and Outer Wilds vibe. I heard Dark Souls mentioned as well. You mean this game combines my three favorite (type) games? Must play! Outside of a souls-like death and rebirth mechanic it mostly reminds me of Death’s Door. Another game I love. Probably due to the isometric view and similar camera working as well as a similar combat style. That is to say “quick” Dark Souls haha. And I don’t mean “aggressive” like Bloodborne.
So Tunic ticks all my boxes and after only 3.6 (but now already 19 lol) hours with the game I just love it! Just some thoughts and feelings I wanted to share. This has not been proof-read or otherwise edited. That would defeat the purpose of making blog writing smaller.