Blogging about Logseq

  • I’m Siferiax (Sif, she/her) and I created this blog to write about my use of Logseq.
  • I probably will write about other things as well, but I don’t have a clear vision yet.
  • If you have any Logseq query related questions go to the Logseq discourse page! First link 👇🏼

Easy access using the Contents page

This blog is quickly becoming an archive of how I used to do things. Since the last post about my Startpage it has continued to change. And so too has my contents page. I use the default Contents page that comes with Logseq as it will open by default when you open the right sidebar. I use it as an extension of the Startpage. This means it holds both the same information as the Startpage, as well as a lot of extras....

21 Mar 2024 · 11 min · 2233 words · Siferiax

My start page and its queries

I wanted to make a blogpost about my new start page, however as I keep iterating on it, it kept changing. So every time I was working on a draft, it was quickly outdated. Still, I’ll keep trying. I’ll go over the reason why I moved away from opening Logseq on the journal pages (default setting), the basic idea of the start page and how I keep changing things. Primarily I will go over the queries I use on the start page....

30 Oct 2023 · 13 min · 2567 words · Siferiax

Changing my daily log

One of my biggest joys in Logseq are the queries. By this time they are deeply integrated in how I operate. In the previous post I showed how my daily was set up. I also mentioned I simplified it. In fact, as I have learned more tricky queries, I have been able to simplify a lot of my workflow. I no longer move my planning around, instead I utilize a start page to show it while it isn’t on my journal page at all....

29 Oct 2023 · 7 min · 1291 words · Siferiax

Autism and rigidness

My mind has a tendency toward extreme rigidness. But to go there, some sort of rigid structure needs to be imposed upon it. Either by myself, or by the outside world. This extreme rigidity will cause stress and anxiety. So what do I mean? Take my work for example. Me and my employer have agreed on how many hours I make each week. I decided how to divide these hours across the week and how late I start and end each day....

26 Sep 2023 · 2 min · 240 words · Siferiax

Playing Tunic (spoiler-free post)

In my initial draft for this post I wrote “I made blog writing too big for myself, so to help I decided to just write about my experience with Tunic.”, well that statement is so true! At the time of that first draft I had played 3.6 hours of Tunic. As I write this, that has increased to 19 hours. Tunic ticks all my videogame preference boxes, and so I have been really enjoying my time with it....

01 Sep 2023 · 2 min · 300 words · Siferiax